Bamboozle what am i. 15 I am made by bees.
- Bamboozle what am i I am very fast. 15 Blue, Sunny, Rain to be (am,is,are) Game Code: 1081919 English 17 Public using the verb to be in affirmative sentenses in present simple. Play Study Slideshow Share VS4 329 #is #are #to be #Verb to be #AM #to be verb. I am a, orange juice - I am a fruit drink made from oranges. What is he? A pilot. HelloHello 27 43,533 Rebus, Riddles, and More! Rebus puzzles use pictures, symbols, and letters to represent a word or words, pay close attention to find the Riddles for children ages 6-12 Decipher the hints to identify the secret objects! *Teachers can help lower level students with the descriptions to find the answers. 15 What is the end of everything? The letter “g” I am tall; I have a long neck; my body is brown; I like to eat the leaves on the tree. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. After three clues, the answer can be revealed! This What Am I? Guess the Farm Animal Game is a lovely way for children to learn more about farm animals. Who am I? police officer. What am I? Gloves. What am I? black cat. I can go very fast. It takes some time to get good with it, but you'll get it. People fill me with dirt or sand or rocks. Share to be (am,is,are) Class PIN. My home is a big burrow which I share with my family. . 15 I am the biggest reptile living in the water. My name is also a colour. 15 I work in a kitchen and cook people lunch and dinner. Giraffe. What am I? What am I? scissors. boat. Flash cards is an open-ended template. What am I? A meercat. Who am I? Who am I? Santa. 15 I’m beautiful in many different colours. I like to eat vegetables. You can write on me. :)This is a p Who am I? witch. I am an easy pet to look after. 15 I am the richest man in the world and tried to buy Twitter. I dump them where you want them. Upgrade. 15 It looks like jelly. I can be black and white or brown. Kangaroo. Tomato. I also have a curly tail. Thank you so much for creating something so useful and fun. Dog. What am I? An anteater. Share What's the Color? Class PIN. Edit Content. 20 You wear this on your head when you ride a bike or scooter. You can buy me from a bakery. 15 What am I? money. 15 This provides meat that you would eat. Humans trick me to bite. Officially I am eaten in the winter. I will live for a long time just don’t forget to water me. I am a herbivore. My body has a hard shell. any age Inglês English verb be Simple present #Colors #vocabulary #Trivia #descriptions #guess #fun #What am i. 15 I live in the ocean. I am on the Australian $1 coin. Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'who am i' Questions for 'Who am I?' Group sort. 15 I am a bird. 15 I’m red and have seeds and I am also round. an eraser. Even then you'll still struggle as M1 killers are really easy to loop. I can swim but I can’t fly. If you cut me, you will not feel anything. 15 What wears a cap but has no head? A bottle. " Greg Crawford. Who am I? waiter. Run Bamboozle, and good add-ons like purple uncloak or purple speed. What am I? A horse. Hippopotamus. What am I? A cow. I like to eat peanuts. What am I? The Sun. 15 I am the tallest animal. I give milk. You can use me to create some art or change the style of your What am I? A tiger. Class PIN. I have brown and grey fur. Read out the fun rhyming clues and then guess which animal is being described before revealing the answer. What am I? Read the clues and guess the answer before the time runs out. You need a ticket to ride me. Math riddles to help pass the time. What am I? A kangaroo. Can you name all of the famous people in these photos? Can you guess the animal based on the clues? You get three hints, hurry up ang guess which animal I'm talking about before I reveal the answer. I lay eggs. 15 I have wings, a tail and engines. I work in a shop or mall. What am I? I am a taxi driver! 15 I work in a hospital. 25 Kids carry me on their backs filled with school supplies. truck. firetruck. My skin is yellow. I say oink oink. What am I? a fire. Make quizzes, send them viral. I'll be on my broom in the Halloween sky! Witch. After three clues, the answer can be revealed! This What Am I? Guess the Insect Game is a lovely way for children to learn more about insects. Use Class PIN to share Baamboozle+ games with your I am good for moving things from one place to another. I am, banana - I am You must say what do you wear in each picture. This fun What Am I? Guess the Insect Game would be perfect to play in pairs. Share Verb to be am - is - are. A red sweater, a blue skirt, red boots, a yellow scarf and a black hat. I help people. 15 The ocean is my real home. 15 I am a businessman and was a US president for only 4 years. What am I? What 2D shapes am I made up of? honeycomb hexagon. When breakfast you are making. 15 I can fly really high and cakcle as I go by. com is a free online quiz making tool. 15 I am made by bees. Bamboozle riddles are a unique form of brain teasers that challenge your critical thinking skills and creativity. I like to catch mice. You can take away your pencil mark with me. I disappear at night. 15 I am red. What am I? A pig. 20 I’m hot and I live in the sky. trainers / sneakers. I am eaten in the summer. As far as body blocking is concerned, you need to know where the survivor WANTS to go to be able to do it effectively. I am a small fruit that comes in a variety of colors, like purple, blue, red, yellow and green. 20 Job Riddles Public Service Careers - Who am I? Community Who am i. 10 This person (usually a man) flies a plane. I eat plants and live in the forests. I live in Australia. A helmet. What country am I? uQuiz. I often work weekends. The idea is to fold the card in half, that way your students can play this game and practice by Teach about Christmas and Christmas vocabulary with this fun Christmas Quiz. , I am What am I? A bat. What am I? A giraffe. Klasa 6 Klasa 7 Klasa 8 Podstawówka Gimnazjum Dorośli Liceum Technikum Szkoła branżowa Edukacja specjalna Angielski food. I am small. This What am I? I grow on trees. What is her job? She's a baker. I am a part of you. 20 I have sharp teeth. Who am I? vampire. 5 What am I? I have seeds on the outside. Guess the animals by the given clue. Download the PowerPoint version her Who am I? I am a marsupial. I can be very dangerous too. We had a teacher's get-together the other day and all agreed that Language game for practicing future tense with "be going to". 10 This person protects people and arrests What two 2D shapes am I made up of? hexagons and pentagons. 15 I am very strong and big. I am very big and strong. 15 I used to be a famous wrestler but now I am an actor. I am an animal. I have a pouch. I am big, gray, and have a long trunk. I look like a horse. Lion. Christmas vocabulary. desk. I am omnivore. What Subject Am I? Game Code: 196454 English 16 Featured Practicing vocabulary about school subjects and extra-curricular activities in a guessing game. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. 15 I am long. I have a mane What Am I Wearing? ESL Clothing Vocabulary Game Code: 197261 English 27 Public ESL Vocabulary for common items of clothing. 5 I have seed in the outside. 15 I’m not a friend of paper and you will want to keep me away from small children. I like nut. 10 I am used at school. 15 What question can you never answer ''yes'' to? Are you asleep/dead? 15 What kind of dog never bites? A hot dog. (Pre-Intermediate) Play Study Slideshow Share lidiia_sahadina 5,068 #Riddles #Clues #What am i. 15 I get wet while drying. It's incredibly easy to use and is constantly evolving and improving. More. What am I? A cat. Many people fall asleep watching me. I have many different topping. Gold is a common colour of me. 15 I usually have 4 legs. 20 I am round. 15 I will entertain you. I show you things when you look through me. I have wings and feathers. What am I? I am a shopkeeper! 15 I drive a car. 15 I live in a tree. 15 People eagerly anticipate my edit the questions; save a copy for later; start a class game; automatically assign follow-up activities based on students’ scores; assign as homework Guess What Animal I Am! Riddles about animals. banana. I'm a room that you can eat. 15 I have a tail. I am located in North Africa, and the Nile River runs through me. 15 I am a soda This beautifully illustrated What Am I? Animal Guessing Game PowerPoint includes eight rhyming riddles to solve, each describing a different animal. Meat is my favourite. 15 i cover your feet i am worn to go outside you can walk or run with me. 15 I work to keep our community safe. What am I? A pair of boots. 15 I am big and live on land and in rivers. New Describe the object or guess the object being described What am I? Chicken. I will disappear at night. I am black and white. What am I? The letter e. And this is what gives bacon. I am made with milk and chocolate, I am yellow. Who am I? Donald Trump. I smell nice; you can pick me if you want. I like to blow bubbles. I am hot. You can also use the games existed on In this What Am I? game, children will practice their inferring skills by figuring out an object based on a set of clues. This Christmas quiz is a ‘What Am I?’ style quiz in which students will read 3 sentences that describe a Christmas word. I am big and green; I have sharp big teeth; I have a long tail. by Nataliapisettas. What am I? an egg. People carve me! Pumpkin. what am I? (food) Share Share Share by Nastasiyadim. Play Study Slideshow Share josuemartz 1,154 #English #is #are #Verb to be #AM. 15 I have a long, sticky tongue and I eat ants. I am used for measuring things. I have a powerful tail. What am I? A Balloon. I am in your classroom. The tool is very easy to use. 15 I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but if you water me, I’ll die. I am orange. 25 I have 4 legs. 15 i have sleeves i have a zip or buttons i keep you warm i sometimes have a hood. Play Study Slideshow Share teacher Clara 15,726 #school #school What am I? Frog. Save to Folder. Show More. Download the PowerPoint version her ‘What am I?’ quizzes, aka ‘Who am I?’ quizzes, are riddles in which the clues are in the first person. What am I? a bar of soap. I like fruit, but my favorite is a banana. I have six wheels and sometimes more. I am red with a lot of seeds inside. Areoplane. hollyparry 34 27,183 Random Riddles. If the end gets blunt, you can sharpen me. 15 Let's do English ESL general vocabulary practice. Use Class PIN to share Baamboozle+ games with your students. 20 I protect your hands from snow and ice. Share JOBS / Who am I? Class PIN. I am not sweet. I have a hard pit inside of me. Who am I? doctor. I have orange fur and black stripes. I am used for colouring in and drawing. End, timE, spacE, Every placE. I have black and white stripes. A classroom hit "We hit gold when we discovered Baamboozle! Our students absolutely love it as the format is extremely engaging, fun and What am I? An alligator/crocodile! 10 I am pink, fat, and I have a funny nose. I can whistle and I can talk. 15 I get smaller every time I take a bath. With my long neck it’s a breeze. What am I? a towel. 15 I live in the desert. I can fly. Orange. You go to me when you have toothache. 15 Why is six afraid of What am I? a spider. I have a very big mouth but short legs. I am strong and very big with a loud roar. What am I? You eat me on your birthday. I am, bread - You use me to make sandwiches. I’m bright; don’t look directly at me. support@baamboozle. Janis Rae 24 61,627 Math Fun. What am I? Giraffe. What am I? A substance or an object capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms and not producing pollution I am sweet. I pick people up. What am I? What am I? A Tree. I can turn into a bat. crayons. 10 She sells cakes and pies to people. People sometimes think I am very scary. Fingers think I'm very nice. Embed. What am I? A penguin. What am I? Read the given clue to figure out what I am. Join millions of students and teachers playing educational games for free! Forget about devices and simply play from a single screen, in class or online. I I am a ball that does not bounce. Also introduces "this and that" as well as "these and those". See how many you can figure out. You can use me for drawing straight lines. I carry loads wherever you want. I am soft and red. What am I? ton. 15 What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? a clock. Mg flesh is soft and light yellow. 15 I have four legs. Share What Am I? Class PIN. I have a tusk and a trunk. I Sign in page. Strawberry. Facebook I am an ESL teacher in Japan and regularly use Baamboozle for creating stimulating games in class. What am I? Lobster. 15 I go on the water. People eat me. I am not as big as a ship. I am the king of the jungle. Save to Folder Verb to be am - is - are Game Code: 638833 English 11 Public verb to be. Play Study Slideshow Share nscole 630 Share What Am I Wearing? ESL Clothing Vocabulary. I am a carnivore. I have seeds inside. 20 In a bowl you use a spoon on a cone you give a lick. Sliced up in salads is where I can be found. What am I? What am I? (starts with E) equinox. a skirt. 15 i am usually worn by girls i can be long or short i cover people from waist downwards. Who am I? The Rock - #What am i #3 words 1 #3 hints #3 words. 15 I am a farm animal. 15 I build houses and big buildings. I eat anything I can find. Phone. a desk. You can ride on me. I am bright. For example, “I am a bird, but I can’t fly. Forwards I am heavy. I like to drink a red liquid. I can jump and leap. I have black and white fur. 10 What is he? A carpenter. 15 I like to use my long tongue to eat leaves from tops of trees, I don’t have to climb up them though. I take people where they want to go. I can reach the highest trees. 15 I come in many different colors and I get bigger when I’m full. Who am I? Elon Musk. 20 Who am I? I have grey This guessing card game is a fun way to help your English language students learn and practice vocabulary for different jobs and occupations. I have four legs, and very sharp teeth. 15 What am I? Balloon. I live in the jungle. I am very strong and big. What am I? A lion. This frozen dairy dessert many flavors you can pick. Show Hide. Our most popular games of all time! In this blog post, you will find: who we are, how you can use us, and how our website can make your classroom much more exciting and engaging. 15 I have thick grey skin. This fun What Am I? Guess the Farm Animal Game would be perfect to play in pairs. You can sit by me. I can crawl on the tree. 15 I'm a colorful gourd that's often carved into spooky faces. 15 I help people when they are sick. What am I? backpack. I taste good with marshmallows on the top. I tell funny and sad stories. I have long hoses and ladders. 20 I have 8 legs. 15 I am the king of the jungle, with a mighty roar. It is free so just sign up and start creating your game for your class. "Baamboozle is an absolutely essential resource regardless of the age or level I am teaching. What am I? pumpkin. On Off. I can make webs. 15 I am small. 20 Who am I? I am a marsupial. What am I? What am I? A snake. orange. I am often turned into juice. I usually have drawers. 15 I am the king of savana. In this What Am I? game, children will practice their inferring skills by figuring out an object based on a set of clues. New folder Save Cancel Call, Ring, Answer. I am made of plastic or wood. I am a table. People sometimes use me to guard the house. I can hop along very fast. Chair. I'm covered in colorful feathers. I have eight legs, two big claws and a tail. 15 What flavour juice am I? What 3D shape am I? apple cuboid. You call me when there is a fire. I have four legs and two big ears. com. 15 I have a thumb and four fingers but I’m not alive. 15 I have a large tail and big feet. What am I?. I plug into the wall. I'm a small animal. I have a motor. a coat. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. 20 What goes up when the rain comes down? An umbrella. I give you milk. I am I am a country known for its pyramids and ancient history. I run on tracks. You have to peel me to eat me. It is small. What am I? a gardener. What am I? television / TV. I am pink. 15 I grow from the ground. What am I? a glove. I work at a hospital. I am usually white. 25 I have stripes and I'm related to the horse. 15 I used to be a caterpillar but now I am beautiful and I can fly. Language School Owner. 15 I live on a farm. You can find me in a cup of tea, I am green with black stripes outside. These riddles often involve wordplay, lateral thinking, and problem-solving abilities to decipher the hidden meaning Baamboozle is a tool that allows you to create games for your classes. 15 I must be broken before you can use me. Who am I? chef of cook. You can measure things with me. 20 I start with the letter B, and your feet go inside of me. I am beautiful. I am a kind of berry. Squirrel. I have big sharp teeth. I am shaped like a cube. Perfect for teachers to use as a starter activity to introduce an animal-themed topic or it can be used as a fun riddle game at To describe what you are wearing I am sometimes made of sugar and sometimes of oatmeal. Partners can take it in turns to read a clue for their partner to guess. I am . One side of each card has one or two clues about the job or occupation and the other side of the card has the answer with a helpful illustration. What am I? A zebra. I rhyme with HUM. It stings. I live in Tasmania. 15 I'm orange and round, on the porch I am found, I have a big smile, but I don't make a sound! Jack o Lantern. Human and animals fear me. Chocolate chip ones taste so good, you might find that you squeal! Cookie. I am used for drawing straight lines. 25 I have a shell on my back and move very slowly. Play Study Slideshow Share ejbondoc 64 #English #jobs #profession. JOBS / Who am I? Game Code: 2071613 English 16 Public jobs. I will float away if you don’t tie me down and I will make a loud sound if I break. I like bananas. I am often turn into juice. I am a big cat. 5 What am I? You have to peel me. Students must read the clues and guess the Christmas word before the time runs out. What am I? A jacket. A chicken is what gives the eggs. Tasmanian Devil. I have wheels. What am I?” (Ans: Penguin). I like to eat grass. What am I? A pig! 10 I live in the forest. Share 1 Object - 3 Words. 15 Sit, Comfortable, Rest. Backwards I am not. Generate leads, increase sales and drive traffic to your blog or website. What am I? A butterfly. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard. It's said that I have 9 lives. 15 How many seconds are there in one year? What am I? I am a doctor! 15 I work on weekdays. You sit at me to do your school work. In this post, you’ll find 4 fun ‘ What Am I?’ I sound like one letter, but am written with three. Leaderboard. ysdjt qouo uxls malipuo jxj zznx qpe ium urt zdt mtou gak coakvz hsxj xitv