Awaiting editor assignment scholarone

To open individual files, click on the Manuscript Files tab. The editor in chief may not just 'accept' or 'reject' the manuscript. selecting. Office - successfully submitted and ready to be checked by t. TMI’s average turnaround time, from initial submission to decision, is about 7-weeks. ’ After that, it has been ‘Under Review’ for eight weeks. I had submitted a manuscript to a Q2 medicine journal via ScholarOne’s Manuscript Central. The Awaiting CE/Reviewer Scores status also means that the AE has assigned the basic number of peer reviewers required for Sep 15, 2021 · 1 Answer to this question. After making the necessary changes, I submitted the manuscript. After one week with the editor, the status has changed to Under Review. Editor assignment or invitation. ” Home - SID Nov 4, 2020 · Hello Eisa – Welcome to the forum. Our resources are designed to help you set up accounts, review and submit feedback on submissions, and claim credit for your reviews via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Therefore, the Assigned Editor (AE) has now sent the manuscript back for peer review with a new set of reviewers. " Apr 21, 2020 · You have three queries. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jan 3, 2023 · 1 Answer to this question. Perhaps, if this continues for some time without changing, you may want to consider writing to the journal editor seeking clarity. Reviewer Assignment:The status "awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editorial team is in the process of selecting and assigning new reviewers to evaluate your revised manuscript When prompted by an email notification, log in to your editor center and find the manuscript from the dashboard link “Awaiting Reviewer Selection”. 这里即可看到全部的Invitation follow up Email, 也就是系统在收到审稿人对审稿邀请的答复之后,会再发送给审稿人follow up 邮件,. Submitted to Journal ——仑途齐. The status “Under Review” indicates that the peer review process is ongoing, and could take up to 2-3 months to complete. several. After a week of submission, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer selections". first. Perhaps this is a weird system. Once review comments are returned to the editors, the associate editor assimilates them and makes an editorial recommendation regarding publication, revision, or rejection. 1 . Use the HTML and PDF icons at the top of the manuscript record to view the full manuscript. Depending on the journal contact one of these to check the status of your paper. If so, it seems to have gone from this decision to awaiting a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). ’ But this could be because the associate editor (AE) may have had a challenge finding reviewers for your manuscript. As you've mentioned, you have addressed the previous reviewer's concerns, so the EIC may suggest moving the manuscript to peer Mar 28, 2020 · So, ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores’ means the associate editor (AE) is awaiting the peer reviewer’s comments and evaluation of the paper. Papers that pass the initial screening are then sent to a panel of reviewers (usually two or three). – A: It is TMI’s policy to only consider manuscripts submitted via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Jun 26, 2020 · 1. This is probably a duplicate, but I won't mark it as such since my vote would be definitive. If these are found to be fine, they will Jan 25, 2017 · I think it would be a very weird system that would switch from "reviews completed" to "editor assigned" in the normal course of processing. A Publication of. When the search results appear, select “View Details” in the “Take Action” drop down menu. 如果我们希望审稿人在Decline 之后不需要再发送邮件给他可以将AE Invites Reviewers-Declined 对应的Active 去掉就可以了这样,如果之后再有审稿 Dear Bilal Ahmad The status 'Awaiting AE Recommendation' means that, based on the peer reviewer (or technical editor review, in this case), the AE is making a decision on the paper. Nov 21, 2016 · In some journals there is a senior editor who oversees different areas; othrers simply have an editor in chief who oversees everything. Click the blue “Take Action” checkmark. ” Under the Author Dashboard Section, click on “Submitted Manuscripts. Apr 1, 2019 · 1 Answer to this question. Don't make assumptions. After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. At the third day, I saw Awaiting EE Decision which is still there. Feb 9, 2020 · ‘Awaiting Editorial Office Processing’ means that the manuscript was awaiting an Editorial Office (EO) or Associate Editor (AE) check for aspects such as adherence to guidelines, match with the journal’s scope, and novelty of the study. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor Editor Support. There is no oracle for such things. The status of the paper changed several times. At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". This status simply means that your paper is yet to be assigned to an editor. Aug 31, 2019 · 1 Answer to this question. 論文STATUS欄に表示される Editor (AE, EIC) や管理者 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Aug 25, 2020 · 1 Answer to this question. ANATOMY OF A MANUSCRIPT. ’ Just a few hours later, another ADM was assigned, but the status is the same. Awaiting AE Assignment - checked and approved for p. Associate editors are guided by the recommendations of reviewers, but Mar 28, 2015 · AE stands for "Associate Editor. Awaiting Editor Nov 19, 2020 · I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. Per your agreement with the Associate Editor, you should complete the review within 10 days. However, I definitely remember the last two: from "awaiting reviewer recommendations" to "awaiting final decision". It could be that the reviews were contradictory or that a review was not acceptable and needed to be replaced. Answer: Thank you for your question! The status "Awaiting Referee Report" implies that the reviewers are already assigned and review work is in-progress. Dec 5, 2017 · I have submitted a paper to a very reputed publication of electrical engineering via ScholarOne. If that was the case for your paper, then a subsequent change to "Awaiting reviewer invitation" would mean that the editor is sending your paper for an additional review. However, after a few days, I got a desk reject notification. 長い期間、状況が変わらず、論文の状況を確認したい時は、雑誌の事務局(Editorや管理者)にお問い合わせください。. Dec 12, 2019 · I submitted my manuscript to a journal. ’ Sep 10, 2020 · Q: How long should the 'Awaiting EIC Decision' last before a final decision? Detailed Question -. Generally, 2-3 peer reviewers are assigned to a paper. Apr 8, 2020 · I submitted a manuscript to a reputed journal using the ScholarOne system. For example, the editor or the editor's assistant might have reset the number of referees needed, maybe to correct an initial error, or just incidentally by playing around with a different setting. If this is their first time linking your ORCID and ScholarOne accounts together, you will be asked to authorize the publisher or journal to get their ORCID iD and to read limited-access information such as their name and address. Submitting Your Manuscript Manuscripts should be submitted online at the ScholarOne Manuscripts site for Management Science. Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". I have previously published in the same journal and it had taken 5 months to Aug 3, 2021 · Dear Team, First, thank you for running such a stunning forum. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. Decision notification e-mails and what they mean. Meaning of ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment’ This means that your manuscript has cleared the admin check, that is, it was found matching the journal’s scope and also adhering to the journal’s guidelines, apart from a cursory check of the novelty and quality of the study. This status typically means your manuscript is awaiting assignment to an editor after the initial review of the submission. Sending the manuscript to production (“Assign Manuscripts to Batch”, “Assigned to Batch – Awaiting Export) Contributor Forms Due. The status has not changed to ‘Under review’. Initially your manuscript will go through stages such as “Awaiting Admin Checklist” and/or “Awaiting Editor Assignment” depending on how new submissions are initially checked on the journal. Learn more about using ScholarOne Manuscripts to host your journal’s submission and peer review through video tutorials, user guides, and FAQs. Aug 25, 2020 · Hi. The journal may create your account and e-mail you instructions on how to login. Now the status has changed to ‘Awaiting ED recommendation’. The status of my paper changed from "Awaiting AE assignment" to "Under Review" directly. There are several decisions that authors may receive after submitting their paper to one of the Society’s journals: Reject without review: The Action Editor has rejected the paper without sending it for peer review. These stages tend to be moved through fairly swiftly as they are just the editorial team checking that your submission is suitable for Oct 31, 2017 · Once the EA started checking the manuscript, the status changed to "Awaiting ED Assignment. As described in the peer review and decision process, after the admin checklist or AE assignment stage, a manuscript may be forwarded to the EiC to determine if peer review is necessary. ’. I submitted a paper, and it took 10 days to be assigned editors and reviewers. If the May 6, 2021 · Does it mean your paper will go through another round of review? Not necessarily. To get a second opinion, they have referred the manuscript both to the ME and to the peer reviewers. Mar 5, 2019 · In short, the switching of the status repeatedly from “awaiting reviewer selection” to “awaiting reviewer assignment” and back implies that the editor is having a hard time finding reviewers for your paper. The status, "Awaiting ED decision" most likely indicates that the manuscript is with the journal editor (likely editor-in-chief) for final checks before you receive the verdict. We request that authors suggest reviewers in their cover letters, but we also leave it at the Editor’s discretion to select appropriate reviewers. ’ After a week, it changed to ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment. methods. But an average of 30 days tells you little about the distribution of actual times. 知乎专栏提供一个自由表达和随心写作的平台。 The status of your submitted manuscripts is indicated by one the following stagesTh. What does this mean? Was the manuscript reviewed? I think the status should have changed to something like Awaiting Reviewer Scores before Awaiting EIC Decision. using. Explore Zhihu's column for a platform that allows users to write and express themselves freely. for. I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. " This status has not been changed for a month. Jun 9, 2021 · The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). ), Assistant Editor (AE), Section Editors (SE) are a few of the more common ones. Based on the topic of the manuscript and suggestions by the authors, an editor is assigned to handle the manuscript. Once they are assigned, they will perform an initial assessment on your manuscript, for factors such as a match with the journal’s scope and adherence to the author/submission guidelines. 1. Jan 21, 2020 · The manuscript status was first displayed as ‘Awaiting Admin Processing. 这意味着编辑团队已经收到您修订后的论文,并正在进行审稿人的分配工作。. When a manuscript is accepted, the author will be prompted to complete a contributor form. 3. Yes, it could be rejected. So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. (This may correspond to the Editor-in-Chief, or EIC Feb 17, 2021 · No revisions because it is already "Awaiting AE recommendation". Our resources are designed to help you configure your journal, manage the peer review process, and screen submissions via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Answer: It is quite normal for a revised paper to be reviewed once again. are. (types. Also, ‘SAE’ perhaps stands for ‘Specialist Associate Editor. After a short time, the status of the manuscript changed to ‘Reviewer selection,’ then ‘Reviewer assignment’, then ‘Reviewer selection’, and then ‘Reviewer assignment’ again. I suppose that in most cases of minor revision, the revised manuscript will only be reviewed by the ADM or associate editor. 2. Is this normal? I received an acceptance pending minor revisions. ScholarOne profile, you will automatically be logged in to the ScholarOne site. Should I Jul 31, 2021 · As for your question about the “awaiting reviewer selection” status, please note that this status indicates that the journal editor is looking for peer reviewers for your paper, which means that your manuscript has cleared desk screening (congratulations!). Aug 15, 2015 · I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. Sep 6, 2019 · The status ‘ED: Not Assigned’ means that an Associate Editor has not yet been assigned for your manuscript. If the status does not change, you could write to the journal editor and enquire about the A platform for free expression and writing at will. " At this stage, the EA goes through the paper and conducts an initial check to see if the basic guidelines of the journal have been met. This caused the system to stuck in "Awaiting reviewer Assignment". However, for some other journals, ‘EE’ stands for ‘Executive Editor’ which is equivalent to Editor-in-chief. Journals refer to this role as many things depending on their business model. Oct 9, 2020 · I had sent an article to an SCIE journal using the ScholarOne manuscript system. of. Awaiting Reviewer Selection, which is the next stage, means that the editor has received responses from multiple peer reviewers and is presently in the process of making a selection among them. You may or may not learn anything. Going by that assumption, the status of your first manuscript "ED: Not Assigned, GE: Not Assigned, Awaiting JM Checklist" means that no action has yet been taken on your paper. It kit be used to prevent breathing problems caused by exercise. Your manuscript might be at the end of a pretty long queue that might take time. The. Nov 2, 2020 · A week later, the status changed to Awaiting Editor Assignment. There is awaiting assignment of articles that identifying information. You can send a request for an update at any time. ocessing. Jun 27, 2018 · Generally, the status changes to "Awaiting ED recommendations" once peer review for the paper is done and the reviewer comments have come in. Answer: Thank you for your question. Learn more about reviewing manuscripts via ScholarOne through video tutorials, user guides, and FAQs. So, even after one reviewer submits his report, the immediate change in status would be a reflection of that Thank you for agreeing to review manuscripts for the IEEE Sensors Letters. Search. Oct 7, 2021 · Answer: Thank you for your question. After this step, you're likely to receive a decision of acceptance with major/minor revisions (fingers We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The current status of the manuscript is ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and has not changed for a month now. After one day of submission, status was ‘Awaiting Decision’; but now after 10 days, status change into ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’. Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. (ScholarOne makes regular updates to their platform, once every two or three months. However, the duration of an individual submission may vary drastically because there are many stochastic factors involved in the review process. I am not really sure what ‘EE’ means on ScholarOne. Equations in the fetch of figures will however be accepted. It seems that the Associate Editor (AE) felt it could fit into a particular section of the journal. After one round of flawless revision [needed by the] reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), [the ‘awaiting’ status seems to be] over. I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. on. ) Anyway, here, ‘PE’ likely refers to the ‘Publishing Editor’ and therefore, the status refers to the decision by the Publishing Editor. . Most journals have their own criteria for selecting an editor for a particular paper and the delay could be due to editor unavailability. one. 一旦审稿人被分配,他们将开始对您的论文进行详细评审。. So, now it's in the normal process of the Editor assessing the reviews. However, I just noticed that the status of my revised manuscript While the Editor is assigned to a manuscript, authors may see the status “Awaiting EIC Assignment”. Apr 13, 2021 · If the manuscript passes this check, it will then be assigned to a handling editor who will initiate the peer review process by assigning 2-3 potential reviewers to review the manuscript. This means that while the manuscript cleared the desk screening and was deemed good to go for peer review, the journal is finding it somewhat challenging to identify the right peer reviewers for your paper. I'm aware of the typical workflow of a journal. After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. methods. If the paper clears this check, it is assigned to a handling editor (ED) and the status changes to "Editor Assigned. Immediately after submission, one ADM was assigned, but MAL ADM (an abbreviation that is not known to me) was not assigned, and the status was ‘Under review. Aug 19, 2021 · Awaiting Reviewer Selection: This is ideally the first stage of the peer review process where the assigned Editor will select some suitable experts to invite to review your manuscript. With editor——曹诲赦寝巧白坦石争脐奖失胧朴漠胶,制仔战赠淡红,叛球框镊上掩优庶溅蓉。. It depends on whether the editor invites new reviewers. Editors (Ed. reviewers. Interestingly, it is/was awaiting "reviewer" (not reviewers- in a plural form) recommendations. status of your "submitted manuscripts" is indicated by one the following stages:With Editoria. IMPORTANT NOTE: By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary Sep 14, 2020 · What does awaiting reviewer scores mean? Typically, in a ScholarOne system, the “Awaiting reviewer assignment” status is shown when invitations have been sent out to reviewers, but reviewers haven’t accepted them yet. However, there has been no status change for more than two-and-a-half months. Read FAQs. Answer: This means that an administrator (ADM) has not been assigned to your manuscript. I took this to mean that the paper has passed the desk review, since the editor is selecting reviewers. • The Manuscript Information tab contains all information provided by the authors, including manuscript keywords, author affiliations, and linked manuscripts. What does this status mean? Should I write to the editor? May 11, 2021 · Some of the reviewers that initially accepted to review the manuscript have now declined to review it due to their unavailability. 投稿した論文の査読状況は、通常、Author Dashboard の論文STATUS欄に表示されます。. So, please give me advice. Some journals may include account information along with the invitation to review. One reason why this stage is taking long could be that the journal editor is having Aug 21, 2023 · 2. Reject: The paper has been through the peer review process and the Action Apr 23, 2020 · Because ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ means that the manuscript passed the admin and/or Associate Editor (AE) check and was awaiting peer review. 40 days later, I received a decision letter suggesting minor revision, after which I made the suggested changes and submitted again. This page is also available within the submission by clicking the “Manuscript Information” tab. When you submit your paper to a journal, after the initial/basic administration check (for ‘hygiene factors’ such as adherence to journal guidelines), the manuscript goes to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for an assessment of the novelty and quality of the research/paper and, in some cases, even a match with Mar 4, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript to ScholarOne about 10 weeks ago. However, a strange observation is that the first letter of the word ‘review Aug 4, 2018 · Three weeks ago, I submitted my paper to a social sciences journal with impact factor. the. Feb 26, 2021 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment means the journal editor has started reaching out to potential reviewers for your manuscript. After agreeing to review a manuscript, external reviewers are typically granted 28 days to complete the assignment. reviewer . Does it mean that is under the review of editorial office? Could it change from Awaiting AE assignment to Under Review directly without AE being assigned ? Could 6. 1 INTRODUCTION USE GET HELP NOW AND FAQS As an Editor using ScholarOne Manuscripts for your journal, one of your greatest help tools is ScholarOne’s Frequently Asked Questions tab on our help site, Get Help Now. Dec 19, 2020 · At times, the changes may be initiated by the platform itself. Article. In my opinion, ED in ScholarOne refers to Editor and GE refers to Guest Editor. is. Your account on the journal’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site may be created in one of two ways. To check the status of your submission in our system, log into your ScholarOne Manuscripts account, and click on “Author. Mar 9, 2017 · @scaaahu My only guess is that the Editor invited some reviewers, not all of which accepted. Feb 14, 2023 · I recently submitted a paper to a (not very selective) journal (Sage publications). So, perhaps your paper is currently being screened by the Explore Zhihu Column, a platform for free expression and creative writing on various topics. Now, the status has changed to ‘Awaiting Admin Final Processing’ from ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. I am not We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. On the other hand, the status “Awaiting reviewer scores” means that the paper is under review. But it could also have other outcomes, including requesting revision. For minor revisions, some editors might make a decision on their own, but they can send it out for peer review if they feel the need to. I am afraid that after this long period, the editor will reject the manuscript. The status also means that the paper has been sent to the minimal number of peer reviewers required by the journal (it being 2-3 for most journals). e Editorial Office. You must complete your review online using the features of an electronic manuscript management system “ScholarOne Manuscripts™” (S1M) which has individual pages for each IEEE journal. Another point to note is that ScholarOne is not always up-to-date with the process of the publisher. While awaiting the completion of this form, the manuscript will be listed in the “Contributor Forms Due” queue. There could be many reasons for a delay, including not sending too many papers to one editor and needing to find another who is suitable. Nov 27, 2016 · Depending on the journal, two weeks isn't really a long time for editor assignment. ’ Mar 16, 2022 · Answer: Dear Author, Thank you for your question. ""Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. Editorial decisions Jan 21, 2019 · Clarivate Analytics | ScholarOne Manuscripts™ | Editor User Guide Page 1 Effective Date: 21-Jan-2019 Document Version: 3. Moreover, getting the right editor for your topic is also sometimes an issue. Related reading: What does a status change from "Awaiting reviewer score" back to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" mean? Sep 12, 2022 · There are a number of possibilities. . Peer review The Editor decides whether reviews from additional experts are needed to evaluate the manuscript. Key features of the Associate Editor Center include: • Workflow configuration allows the tasks of reviewer selection, invitation, and assignment to be completed by a single Associate Editor, or to be divided among a combination of users • Selection of reviewers by Quick Search, Advanced Search, Related Papers or Keyword Matching Feb 18, 2022 · First Steps. page. Then, the other reviewers submitted their reviews and the Editor decided to go with these reviews only. Jun 24, 2024 · Awaiting Editor Assignment: Multiple editors may be assigned to your submission, depending on the journal's workflow. It then moved to ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’ and stayed at that stage for 9 days. 是的,"awaiting reviewer assignment" 的意思是论文已经进行了小修并等待分配审稿人。. Mar 13, 2020 · What these statuses could mean is that the AE has had a look at your manuscript and has made a tentative decision on it. Nov 30, 2020 · The manuscript being stuck at Awaiting Reviewer Assignment for a month is not uncommon. 这是一个重要的环节,因为审稿人的 The senior editor provides the associate editor and reviewers with a copy of the review reports they send to the authors. I'm not sure what JM checklist refers to, but my guess is that May 30, 2020 · Coming to your present query, as we just indicated, this has been a slow change from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘Under Review. I am not entirely clear about the wording of the latest status. Oct 24, 2018 · I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (major revision). A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". Also known as: technical check, initial QC (AIP), admin checklist (IEEE), Awaiting Editorial Office Processing (ScholarOne), quality check (NPG) Typical duration: A few workdays. TMI allows reviewers three weeks – may be extended per request – to complete the review. tab. At least, "normal" systems like ScholarOne will go to "awaiting recommendation" from the editor at that point. For 2 weeks, the submission status was showing ‘Awaiting admin processing’. Search for the manuscript by ID, title, or author name using the Quick Search feature. Reviewer Support. For most manuscripts, in the May 25, 2020 · Hello Jyotirmayee – welcome to the forum! To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. "Awaiting reviewer invitation" should strictly be a very brief status, since the time between the editor deciding to invite reviewers and the editor actually inviting reviewers should be very brief, on the order of a few minutes. Do not send the manuscript to the Editorial Office or EiC. "Awaiting EIC decision" means that the journal is waiting on a decision by the "Editor in Chief". t backed up) waiting to be sent to some reviews. action. In case of major revisions, revised manuscripts are almost always sent for a second round of peer review. SCI申域体乞茄越紧毒紧虽,泰缩址纳蒸. Account Setup and Maintenance. There are two bullet points that have remained unchanged for about 8 weeks now - one saying 'awaiting reviewer scores' and the other saying 'awaiting recommendation'. Let’s take them one by one. Then there is an Editor In Chief role (EIC). In Manuscript Central, there were some changes of the paper’s status during the first two days, and as far as I can remember, these were Awaiting ADM Processing and Awaiting technical editor selection. 撰腥楔糯 Sep 14, 2019 · “Awaiting SE Recommendation” means that it went to a Section Editor (SE) of the journal for checking the match with that section of the journal. Manuscript received by Editorial Office ——麸滚给拌瓢珍戒螃派贱诅莺百,然堕摄参檀非. They typically do the final decision, however, different journals will have various and widely differing workflows. yi zi ef ft ni hr jp pd bc lr